Introducing the French Broad River Series
Among the many treasures of Transylvania County, the French Broad River is one of the richest. Considered one of the oldest rivers in the world, the French Broad begins right above us on the Blueridge Parkway as rain falling at Devil’s Courthouse. Flowing past Rosman, then entering its wide floodplain through Brevard, some of us cross this river daily, and wonder about its natural and cultural history. If this describes you, the N.C. Cooperative Extension, Transylvania County Center and Conserving Carolina are offering a series of lectures, field trips, and service days this year to better acquaint you with your river and give you ways to explore and act on its behalf.
The series is divided into 5 topics; each topic will have lecture (LEARN), field trip (EXPLORE), and service day (ACT) components. Lectures will be presented by local experts, authors, and scientists. Field trips will highlight the topics introduced by the speakers, and service days will act upon those topics. Feel free to pick and choose among components, or sign up for all of them and become a French Broad River advocate! Then, on June 17, join us for a celebration of the French Broad River at Riverfest in Rosman. Educational displays, food, music, and best of all, FREE TUBING on the French Broad River will be offered to all.
Part 1: Settling the FBR Watershed
LEARN: Settlers of the French Broad River
Thursday, March 2nd 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Rogow Room, Transylvania County Public Library
Thomas Wolfe Literary and Reed Environmental Writing awards finalist John Ross will guide us through the interconnection between the natural history of the French Broad watershed and the people it has sustained throughout the last 15,000 years.
EXPLORE: Hike DuPont State Recreational Forest
Saturday, March 4th, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
DuPont State Recreational Forest and Cedar Mountain Moonshine
Join WNC Historical Association Public Programs Director Trevor Freeman on a hike in DuPont State Recreational Forest to explore the lifestyles of the early settlers in the area. This hike of approximately three miles will include a stop at an old quarry as well as a discussion about moonshining in the area.
ACT: Transylvania County Heritage Museum
Saturday, March 4th, 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Transylvania Heritage Museum
Join us for a workday at the Transylvania Heritage Museum where will be sprucing up raised garden beds and other assorted spring cleaning activities to get the museum ready for the new season.
Part 2: The Geology of Waterfalls in the FBR Watershed
LEARN: Geology of Waterfalls in the FBR Watershed
Thursday, April 20th, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Rogow Room, Transylvania County Public Library
“Whence These Special Places” author Bill Jacobs will speak about the special geological features of the French Broad River watershed and how those features contribute to the astounding number of waterfalls in our area.
EXPLORE: Guided Geology of Waterfalls Hike at DuPont SRF
Friday, April 28th, 1:00 – 3:00 PM
DuPont State Recreation Forest
Join Education Outreach Coordinator Katelyn Keller for a guided hike to the three largest waterfalls in DuPont State Recreational Forest and discover how the unique geology of the French Broad River watershed determines the shape of these falls.
ACT: Improve Visitor Waterfall Viewing at DuPont SRF
Saturday, April 29th, 8:30 – 11:00 AM
DuPont State Recreation Forest
On this day of service, we will help maintain viewsheds using hand tools and herbicide application at one of the most popular waterfalls in the park, High Falls.
PART 3: Invertebrates of the French Broad River Watershed
LEARN: Invertebrates of the FBR Watershed
Wednesday, May 10th, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Rogow Room, Transylvania County Public Library
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Coordinator Dr. Luke Etchison will enlighten guests on the state of the invertebrates of the French Broad River watershed and introduce us to these important but lesser-known residents of our local waterways.
EXPLORE: Invertebrates of the FBR Snorkeling Field Trip
Friday, May 19th, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Oxbow River Snorkeling trip
The upper French Broad River flows just outside of national forest boundaries and this river snorkeling adventure offers many opportunities to observe numerous aquatic insects and other invertebrates including the French Broad crayfish and maybe even the legendary and protected hellbender salamander.
*There is a fee of $100 per person for this field trip.
ACT: Invertebrates of the FBR Stream Assessment Day
Friday, May, 12th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Mills River Partnership
Join the Mills River Partnership for a macroinvertebrate stream assessment. This involves identifying aquatic insects that live in the stream and using those identifications to determine stream quality. Training will be provided.
PART 4: Vertebrates of the French Broad River Watershed
LEARN: Vertebrates of the French Broad River Watershed
Thursday, June 1st, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Rogow Room, Transylvania County Public Library
Mike Knoerr, wildlife biologist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, will present the discussion “Hellbenders and Bog Turtles: Natural History and Conservation of a Giant Salamander and a Tiny Turtle in Western North Carolina.”
Knoerr share the status of these rare reptiles and amphibians and address restoration projects that improve habitat conditions for local hellbenders and bog turtles.
EXPLORE: A Discussion about Fly Tying and Fishermen’s Impact
Friday, June 2nd, 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Davidson River Outfitters
Join us on the banks of the beautiful Davidson River for a fly fishing demonstration from Davidson River Outfitters which will address how use of our rivers affects fish and macroinvertebrate habitats.
ACT: Survey for Hellbenders at a Habitat Restoration Site
Saturday, June 3rd, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Learn how Defenders of Wildlife helps restore habitat for hellbenders and participate in a survey for hellbenders at a habitat restoration site on the North Fork of Mills River, a tributary of the French Broad River.
Part 5: Challenges and Opportunities in the French Broad River Watershed
LEARN: Challenges and Opportunities in the French Broad River
Thursday, July 6th, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Rogow Room, Transylvania County Public Library
Jack Henderson, French Broad Paddle Trail Manager with Mountain True, will talk about the many challenges that the French Broad River watershed has come up against in the past and the opportunities that are currently presented to keep the river flowing in the right direction.
EXPLORE: A float on the French Broad River!
Friday, July 7th, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
French Broad River Float
Join WNC Historical Association Public Programs Director Trevor Freeman and Mountain True’s French Broad Paddle Trail Manager Jack Henderson for both a class 1 and 2 urban float on the French Broad River and a discussion of challenges to the health of the French Broad River as well as ways to keep the river healthy.
ACT: Participate in a workday maintaining a French Broad River campsite
Saturday, July 8th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Banks of the French Broad River at Mud Creek
This service day with Mountain True will take place on one of the many riverside campsites on the French Broad River. Work will include repairing/ replacing campsite equipment, picking up litter, and/or removing invasive species.
Please contact Kim Gundler at if you have any questions about these events.
Kim Gundler is the Transylvania County natural resources educator with AmeriCorps serving the Transylvania County Cooperative Extension and Conserving Carolina. This is her second year as an AmeriCorps member. She lives in Brevard and retired as owner/operator of Beaufort Kayak Tours.