Our volunteers have fun, make friends, and make a huge difference. Whether you’re building trails, restoring wildlife habitat, helping with an event, assisting in the office, or serving on a committee, we couldn’t do it without you.
There are a number of regular volunteer crews you can join (see descriptions below) or check out upcoming workdays on our calendar. To stay in touch, receive our once-a-month volunteer email, or join us as a volunteer, sign up below!
There are a wide range of volunteering options, including outdoor volunteer workdays, which are described below. We frequently need volunteers to help with:
- Trail building and maintenance
- Invasive plant removal
- Special events
- Tabling and outreach
- Education
- Office assistance
- Gardening
- Committees
- Litter cleanups
- And more!
Track Your Volunteer Hours
Please track your volunteer time! This helps us in many ways, including securing grant funding to support our work.
We’d Love to Hear from You
If you’d like more information, have specialized skills that you’d like to volunteer, or have any questions, please reach out to us at volunteer@conservingcarolina.org
Volunteer Photo Gallery
Volunteer Groups
Join the Kudzu Warriors
The Kudzu Warriors are a group of dedicated volunteers who meet on Mondays from 9:00-11:00AM to eradicate kudzu and other invasive plants at Norman Wilder Forest in Polk County, off 176 between Tryon and Saluda. They’ve made a tremendous impact on this Conserving Carolina-owned nature preserve. Areas that were once a mat of kudzu vines are now lush with native vegetation. But the fight is not over, and we need your help!
Become a Rock Crusher
The Rock Crushers are a regular volunteer crew who meet work weekly workdays on Wednesdays to build and steward Conserving Carolina’s public hiking, biking, and climbing trails in the Hickory Nut Gorge. The Rock Crushers are a close knit group with a lot of energy. They move rocks, sling tools, dig tread, remove vegetation, and more.
Tryon Lot Workdays
Every other Thursday, 9:00-11:00AM, our volunteers get together at the lot next to the Tryon IGA, clearing invasive species and restoring native habitat. The goal is to clean up this close-to-town property so that it can be used as a recreational area, like a picnic space.
Native Plant Gardening Group
Join a group of gardeners who meet on Thursdays from 1:00-4:00 PM at our office in East Flat Rock to maintain two acres of grounds planted extensively in beautiful native plants. You’ll be improving natural habitat, keeping our office beautiful, and providing a model to inspire more native plant gardening.
Stewardship Workdays
We hold regular stewardship workdays at a range of locations throughout our region, including nature preserves, working farms, public parks, and unique Appalachian bogs. At the end of the day, you can look back and see the difference you’ve made to restore vibrant habitats for native plants and wildlife!
Transylvania French Broad Stewards
A program of Conserving Carolina, the Transylvania French Broad Stewards help keep the river beautiful, healthy, and a vibrant part of our local economy. Volunteer opportunities include paddling sections of the river to monitor and report safety conditions as a River Runner. Volunteers may also take part in river clean-ups, monitor water quality, and help with the annual River Fest in Rosman. All are welcome at this grassroots group’s monthly meetings. Find details here.
Your School, Group, or Business
Do you have a group that would like to volunteer with Conserving Carolina? We love working with groups! Please contact us at volunteer@conservingcarolina.org.