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Spring Hiking Series: Panthertown Valley
March 22, 2019 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Where: Panthertown Valley, Nantahala National Forest
Meet: Columbus, Food Lion parking area, east side, @ 8:30
5.6 miles, moderate; trail type-loop
The trek will lead hikers to Schoolhouse Falls, up Little Green Mountain, and down to Greenland Creek Falls offering wildflowers, water, and views! THERE MAY BE A WET CROSSING ON THIS TRAIL.
Approximately 1.5 hour drive, one-way.
Contact Pam@conservingcarolina.org with additional questions
Conserving Carolina is sponsoring a Friday hiking series this spring, free and open to the public. The hikes will meet at various locations (noted for each date) and will leave promptly at 8:45 a.m. Hikers should plan to return to the area in the late afternoon, time varying with group size, distance of hike, and drive time. Car-pooling will be organized at the meeting locations.
Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear. Bring a bag lunch and/or snack and plenty of water for yourself. In case of inclement weather, call the Conserving Carolina office, ext. 300, before 8:15 a.m. on the date of the hike, and/or check our Facebook page. Please also remember to bring any medication that you may need in the event of an emergency (ie: epinephrine, nitroglycerine, insulin, etc.). Hike leaders will carry a first aid kit; however, it may not contain specific medication for your individual needs.
Before each hike, you will be asked to sign a waiver form. For your safety, do not attempt any hike beyond your ability and experience. This schedule is subject to change.