Canceled Kudzu Warriors
Canceled Kudzu Warriors
Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!
Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!
Join us and help manage non-native and invasive plants, and spruce up the place, at our Felburn Center!
Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!
Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!
Help kick off trail building on the new land that Conserving Carolina helped add to Bracken Mountain Preserve!
Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!
When: September 24, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Optional: Hike up Bearwallow Mountain, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Meet: Fruitland Baptist Bible College We will clean up litter along our Adopt-a-Highway section on South Mills Gap Road from 1PM – 3PM. Tools, safety vests, and gloves will be provided. We will meet at the Fruitland
Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!