/ Community Engagement,

Walnut Creek Preserve | What type of tree is that?

Join Conserving Carolina for a free lecture on tree identification presented by Dr. Gillian Newberry on Saturday, September 29 at 10:30 a.m. at the Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center at Walnut Creek Preserve.

Have you ever wondered about the type of trees growing in your backyard, along a trail, or in your favorite forest?

This will be an encore presentation by Dr. Gillian Newberry, professor emeritus from University of South Carolina Upstate, who will provide unique gimmicks to help you identify some of the more common tree species growing in our area. Dr. Newberry presented on this topic in May and has offered to return to help you test your knowledge and learn more skills in the field!

Polk County lies in the tension zone between the mountains and the sea. The elevation changes and increased rainfall provide the perfect environment for many different species of trees. No program can hope to identify all the species of trees found here, but this program will lay a good foundation.

Participants will get a hands on look at species discussed by viewing examples from the herbarium housed at the Nature Center, as well as from fresh material gathered from nearby trees. Handouts will also be provided and can be taken home to help with future tree identification. If you attended the May program, please bring your handouts.

After the presentation, those that are interested are invited to join Gillian for a walk around the preserve to test their knowledge and solidify what they learned during the presentation. Please dress appropriately and bring a snack and water for yourself if you plan to talk a walk.

About Gillian Newberry

After teaching botany forty years at the USC-Upstate, in retirement, Gillian has written and recently published two new books – Tales from a Wandering Mind and A Year of Waiting. She has also compiled a digital collection of photos compiled from years of teaching and being in the field. These will be available for purchase after the presentation, and all proceeds will be donated to Conserving Carolina to help continue conservation efforts in the area.


To get to Walnut Creek Preserve’s Nature Center from the Tryon and Columbus area, take Hwy 108 E and turn left on Hwy 9 toward Lake Lure.  Follow Hwy 9 N for 5 miles and turn right onto McGuinn Road (at the Exxon Station). Go 1 mile to the intersection with Big Level Road; turn left, go 0.2 miles and take the first right onto Aden Green Road. Follow Aden Green for 0.4 mile and turn left on Wood Thrush Lane and into Walnut Creek Preserve. Take the first left onto Conservatory Lane, which takes you to the parking area for the nature center.

The lecture is part of Conserving Carolina’s monthly Speaker Series at Walnut Creek Preserve.

For more information or directions from another location, contact Pam Torlina at Conserving Carolina at 828-697-5777, ext. 300 or email pam@conservingcarolina.org.

Next at Walnut Creek

The next program at Walnut Creek Preserve will be held on October 13, when Stephanie Judge will present “Essential Oils: Daily Wellness Habits.” There is an optional invitation to attend a make and take essential oil workshop afterward, but registration is mandatory. Please sign up by calling the Polk County office at 828-859-5060 or email pam@conservingcarolina.org.

For more information about Walnut Creek Preserve, visit www.walnutcreekpreserve.com.  Please note, Walnut Creek Preserve is private property and guests are only allowed on the property by invitation (a planned event or scheduled group).

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