Tryon Garden Club Meeting to Ask ‘Is a Conservation Easement Right for You?’
The Tryon Garden Club will meet at 2 p.m. on Wednesday at Foothills Equestrian Nature Center.
The program will be a panel discussion on conservation easements, what they are and how they might benefit one’s property and the community. The panelists will be Pam Torlina, southeast stewardship manager, and Tom Fanslow, land protection director, both from Conserving Carolina, and Vard Henry, a recent conservation easement donor from the local area.
Among the many topics to be discussed are: when is a property appropriate for conservation, and is size and vegetation a factor? What does the term “conservation easement” mean?
What is the first step if one wants to investigate putting a property into conservation? Are there tax benefits from putting land in conservation?
Will there be resale issues for the property? Is it secure for the future?
Conserving natural lands provides numerous public benefits, such as safe drinking water, clean air, fresh and local foods, parks and trails for outdoor exercise, scenic views that boost the tourism economy, and extensive habitat for wildlife, club representatives said.
The panel will encourage questions and discussions from the audience.
The program will be open to the public and free. Garden club members encourage anyone in the community who is interested in land conservation to attend.
FENCE is located at 3381 Hunting Country Road, Tryon. For directions, interested attendees may call 828-859-9021 or visit
Those interested in joining or learning more about the Tryon Garden Club may visit or write to P.O. Box 245, Tryon, NC 28782.
– Article by Lucy Brannon