Kieran Roe has been executive director of Conserving Carolina, and before that of Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy (CMLC), since 1999. As the first full-time staff person hired by CMLC, Kieran helped grow the organization into a strong force for conservation in the region. With the merger of CMLC and the Pacolet Area Conservancy in July 2017, Kieran has led an organization that has conserved a combined total of 45,000 acres in Henderson, Polk, Transylvania and parts of neighboring counties and has partnered with public agencies to create and expand places such as DuPont and Headwaters State Forests, Chimney Rock State Park, Green River Game Lands and Pisgah National Forest. Kieran has a BA in Anthropology and MLS in Library and Information Science from Rutgers University. He has completed the Whole Thinking Leadership Program with the Center for Whole Communities and the Conservation Finance Boot Camp at the Yale Center for Business and the Environment and was a participant in the 2012 White House Conference on Conservation. He serves on the boards of the Asheville Buncombe Community Land Trust, the Mills River Partnership and the Buncombe County Land Conservation Advisory Board.
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