/ Trails and Recreation,

Pender and Tanya Marie: “We Have a Vision.”

“We have a vision and we have a goal that people of color will be out in these areas,” says Tanya Marie. She and her fiance, Pender, are founders of Pathways to Parks, a nature group that encourages people of color to explore the outdoors.

In this one minute video, Pender and Tanya Marie talk about one of their very first hikes, on Conserving Carolina’s Wildcat Rock Trail. And they talk about their intention to complete our White Squirrel Hiking Challenge 5.

Tanya Marie and Pender are deeply inspiring people who are changing our world for the better. You can learn more about their story in this article, “Mountaintop Experience.”

If you’re interested in joining the Pathways to Parks email list and connecting with the group on future activities, email Tanya Marie at pathwaystoparks@yahoo.com.

See More Videos

This spring, we are releasing a series of videos about our members, from volunteers to Summer of Service alums to conservation landowners. They share some amazing stories. Thank you, Will & Deni Media, for creating these great short films! You can see all the videos so far here:


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