Conserving Carolina has protected numerous camps in our region, including Eagle’s Nest and Gwynn Valley Camp. Providing a deeper connection to nature and preserving the outdoor experience for future generations are major priorities for us. We work with local camps to ensure our kids have opportunities to disconnect from technology and reconnect with simple living and nature exploration in a supportive environment.
Kids in Nature
Youth Education - Our work starts with our future
We engage youth in a variety of ways—whether it’s teaching a lesson about the critters we share the planet with to the Transylvania and Henderson County Boys and Girls Clubs, teaching Polk County Middle School students about watershed ecology, planting pollinator gardens with students at Isaac Dickson Elementary School, or getting outside with the Atkinson Elementary School Hiking Club.
Conserving Carolina has federal collector’s permit which allows the organization to salvage bird specimens (birds found dead on the road, from window strikes, or other casualties, abandoned nests, infertile eggs or egg shells, and feathers) and use those specimens for educational purposes. We have numerous resources to teach children about our natural environment.