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Spring Hiking Series: Long Ridge of Pinnacle Mountain

March 31, 2023 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Where: Pinnacle Mountain; Table Rock State Park

Meet: Ironwood Square, Conserving Carolina’s office, 847 Case Street, Hendersonville, NC

Time: 8:30 a.m.

Trail info.: 5 miles, moderate; trail type – out and back.

Elevation gain: 1,225′

Drive time: 45 minutes


This hike will leave out from Sunset, South Carolina, following the Palmetto Trail for part of the way.  The trail will cross areas affected by wildfires that occurred in the fall of 2016 before leading hikers to a granitic bald (the Long Ridge of Pinnacle Mountain) where, in the late 1990s, more than 600 prehistoric petroglyphs were discovered.  The petroglyphs, believed to be created by the Hopewell culture, pre-date the Cherokee and are believed to be between 1,500 and 3,500 years old.  Not only will this hike offer a unique view of these ancient carvings, but it will also provide participants with spectacular views of the Jocassee Gorges.

Before the hike, you’re invited to join Conserving Carolina at the Etowah Library on March 22 for a free lecture about this site when noted naturalist, historian, and outdoor writer, Dennis Chastain, will be presenting, “Native American Rock Carvings of the Carolina Mountains.” Follow this link for more information.

Then, on May 23, Mr. Chastain will be at the Landrum Library Speaker Series to present on, “Cherokee of the Carolinas.”


Pre-registration is mandatory, and space is limited to 20 participants. RSVP below.  If the RSVP is closed, the hike is full. You can email Pam Torlina (email below) and request to be put on a waiting list and you’ll be contacted if a space opens up.


Conserving Carolina is sponsoring a Friday hiking series this spring, free, guided, and open to the public. The hikes will meet at 847 Case Street at 8:30 a.m. and will leave promptly at 8:45 a.m. Hikers should plan to return to the area in the late afternoon, time varying with group size, distance of hike, and drive time. Car-pooling will be organized at the meeting location. If you’re coming from an area closer to the trailhead, please contact Pam Torlina (email below) to make other meeting arrangements.

Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear. Bring a bag lunch and/or snack and plenty of water for yourself.

In case of inclement weather, please contact Pam Torlina by email (below) by 7:30 a.m. on the day of the hike and/or check the Conserving Carolina website ‘calendar’ event and/or Facebook page to see if the hike will take place. Please also remember to bring any medication that you may need in the event of an emergency (ie: epinephrine, nitroglycerine, insulin, etc.). Hike leaders will carry a first aid kit; however, it may not contain specific medication for your individual needs.

Before each hike, you will be asked to sign a waiver form. For your safety, please do not attempt any hike beyond your ability and experience. This schedule is subject to change.

Contact Pam@conservingcarolina.org with additional questions.


March 31, 2023
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
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Ironwood Plaza
847 Case Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792 United States
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