Learning to Hike Where Black Bears Live
Maybe try to look at it from a bear’s point of view— they are just as reluctant to run into humans and only want to be left alone.
Maybe try to look at it from a bear’s point of view— they are just as reluctant to run into humans and only want to be left alone.
The Mills River-based Sierra Nevada Brewing Company has made a major gift of $250,000 toward the completion of the long-awaited Ecusta Trail.
Bracken Preserve is a local treasure that links the City of Brevard with Pisgah National Forest—and now we have the opportunity to expand it and make it better!
We now have all the funding we need for the purchase of a 34-acre addition to Bracken Preserve! The next step is to build trails that will be more moderate and more welcoming to people of all ages, interests, and abilities.
There has been so much amazing news about the Ecusta Trail this month, with two major grants totalling over $45 million!
A game-changing grant was just awarded to the Ecusta Trail, bringing us a huge step closer to building the full 19-mile rail trail.