Walnut Creek Preserve Speaker Series: Spotted Skunk
September 20 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Date: September 20, 2025
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center at Walnut Creek Preserve
Speaker: Furbearer Biologist, NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Save the Date!
More info coming soon!
The Walnut Creek Preserve Speaker Series programs are made possible thanks to our partnership with the Preserve.
*Walnut Creek Preserve is private property and guests are only allowed on the property by invitation (a planned event or scheduled group). Thank you.
Contact Pam Torlina, pam@conservingcarolina.org, with questions or for more information.
RSVP September Speaker Series at Walnut Creek Preserve
We're looking forward to seeing you on September 20th!
If for some reason you are unable to make it on the day of the program, please either revisit our calendar event and update your RSPV or email pam@conservingcarolina.org so your spot can be opened up to someone else.
Thank you!
See you soon!