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Bearwallow Mountain Trail Volunteer Workday
April 8, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

*RSVPs Required*
Background Info:
Bearwallow Mountain Trail is a 1 mile trail right on one of the most scenic mountains in WNC. The trail features beautiful vistas, scenic rock outcroppings, high elevation pastures, and an abundance of moss! Over the past year, folks have explored the outdoors at a greater rate than we have been able to keep up with. We want to keep one of our favorite trails in tip top shape – and we would love your help.
This volunteer opportunity will have you aiding in restoring our beloved trail, whether you are brand new to trail work or a well-seasoned trails veteran.
Workday Description:
There is opportunity for everyone, all ages and experience levels are welcome. After the workday there will be an opportunity to check out more of the trail!
Tasks on our list for the 8th:
• “Crushing” rock
• “Junking” up social trails
• Deberming parts of the trail,
• Out sloping parts of the trail system that aren’t shedding water properly,
• Building water bars,
• Digging and clearing drains
What to Wear:
• Warm Layers (Spring can be a lion and a lamb)
• Sturdy boots that will get muddy
• Hat and Gloves
• Mask
What to Bring:
• Snacks
• Water
• Work Gloves
• Good Spirits!
Covid-19 Protocol:
Please only drive with folks from your own household to the worksite location.
We will be following Phase 3 COVID 19 Standards, this will include:
• Hosting groups no larger than 10 participants
• Providing every volunteer with their own, disinfected, set of tools
• Physical distancing of 6ft+ between every volunteer
• Wearing face masks when around the group
Volunteers will need to be ready to hike up to 2 miles collectively, although we will be parking at the base of the trail – we will still need to hike out and back to our cars. Be prepared to get dirty, and have fun doing it.
Interested in joining this workday? To RSVP or for more information email volunteer@conservingcarolina.org or call Meredith at 828-697-5777 ext. 211.
This event is in partnership with WNC for the Planet and is part of Earth Month Bingo! To find out more, visit WNCforthePlanet.org.