
Kudzu Warriors

Norman Wilder Forest 35°13'28.4"N 82°16'27.4"W, Tryon, NC, United States

Join the Kudzu Warriors!


Kudzu Warriors

Norman Wilder Forest 35°13'28.4"N 82°16'27.4"W, Tryon, NC, United States

Join the Kudzu Warriors!


Kudzu Warriors

Norman Wilder Forest 35°13'28.4"N 82°16'27.4"W, Tryon, NC, United States

Join the Kudzu Warriors!

Canceled Kudzu Warriors

Norman Wilder Forest 35°13'28.4"N 82°16'27.4"W, Tryon, NC, United States

Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!

Canceled Kudzu Warriors

Norman Wilder Forest 35°13'28.4"N 82°16'27.4"W, Tryon, NC, United States

Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!

Canceled Invasive Species Awareness Special Workday

Florence Nature Preserve 3836 Gerton Hwy, Gerton, NC, United States

Invasive Species Awareness Week is the last week in February (February 26 - March 1). We are supporting the NC Forest Service's statewide Weed Out Day by removing invasive plants from the Florence Nature Preserve, and we need your help! We will work on removing Multiflora Rose, Bittersweet, and Privet, trying to hand pull as