Canceled Spring Hiking Series: Trombatore Trail

Ironwood Plaza 847 Case Street, Hendersonville, NC, United States

This hike offers the potential for early spring wildflowers, an ancient buckeye tree, and stunning views of the Hickory Nut Gorge from a beautiful grassy bald.

Forest Bathing: Spring Awakening & Renewal Nature Immersion Retreat

Transfiguration Preserve 188 Mt. Tabor Way, Bat Cave, NC, United States

Join certified guide, Kelly Bruce, as she leads you on a journey through the awakening forest, weaving in mindfulness, breathwork, forest bathing (Shinrin Yoku) and nature therapy!


Rock Crushers

Join the Rock Crushers in trail building and maintenance in the Hickory Nut Gorge!


Rock Crushers

Join the Rock Crushers in trail building and maintenance in the Hickory Nut Gorge!

Spring Hiking Series: Green River Game Lands loop

Ironwood Plaza 847 Case Street, Hendersonville, NC, United States

This hike offers a variety of scenery, with mountain views, creek crossings, lush plant life, and the beautiful Stairstep Falls.

Forest Bathing: Writing in Nature

Transfiguration Preserve 188 Mt. Tabor Way, Bat Cave, NC, United States

Join Mattie Decker to begin a Nature Journal, or simply write from your experiences in relationship with nature!