
Rock Crushers

Join the Rock Crushers in trail building and maintenance in the Hickory Nut Gorge!

Canceled Kudzu Warriors

Norman Wilder Forest 35°13'28.4"N 82°16'27.4"W, Tryon, NC, United States

Join the Kudzu Warriors and help manage non-native and invasive plants on Conserving Carolina's Norman Wilder Forest preserve!


Rock Crushers

Join the Rock Crushers in trail building and maintenance in the Hickory Nut Gorge!

Canceled Community Green Habitat Restoration Volunteer Workday

Community Green, United States

Join us to learn about Privet, a non-native invasive species, its history in the south, and the need for control in alluvial forests. Then we will work together to remove

Forest Bathing: Fresh Start Retreat

Transfiguration Preserve 188 Mt. Tabor Way, Bat Cave, NC, United States

Begin the New Year by coming back to center. Equilibrium. Homeostasis. Return to YOU. Soothe your nervous system after the busy holiday season. Find calmness and clarity in the peaceful

The Way of Water: Fly fishing as Contemplative Practice

Transfiguration Preserve 188 Mt. Tabor Way, Bat Cave, NC, United States

“People fish because they are searching for something. Often it is not for a fish.” Fennel Hudson, Fly Fishing – Fennel’s Journal – No. 5 Join us as we approach


Rock Crushers

Join the Rock Crushers in trail building and maintenance in the Hickory Nut Gorge!